Welcome to What Does Mamma Say, a blog that aims to provide parents with all the information and activities that can help young children flourish!

If you are a parent, an educator or someone who loves writing and sharing knowledge with the world, then we would love to hear from you.

What Does Mamma Say accepts posts on the following topics:

  • Games and activities for kids (ages 2 – 7)
  • Teaching kids ( if you are an educator or a homeschooling parent)
  • Storybooks you love and recommend
  • Parenting tips and tricks or any parenthood experience that you think might benefit others

Take a look at our categories and already written articles for inspiration.

In return 

You will get a do-follow link to your blog (if applicable) and exposure to our audience. We will promote the article on our social media platforms and to our 2100+ email subscribers.

Guest post guidelines

Please make sure to read the guidelines carefully and keep them in mind when submitting your work. If the post doesn’t adhere to these guidelines it will not be accepted.

  1. The articles must be original, not posted anywhere else on the internet. If the post is published somewhere else we will remove it from our blog.
  2. At least 800 words long
  3. Grammatically correct
  4. In a reader-friendly format: use appropriate headings, break your ideas into easy to read paragraphs, make it skimmable.
  5. It is not mandatory to have photos in your article, however if you choose to include some, we only accept personal images.
  6. We prefer a friendly, approachable tone. 
  7. Include keyword research with your work.
  8. You can insert links to other posts but no affiliate links.
  9. Where applicable, the citation/resource link must be relevant to the topic and have high-quality content
  • We reserve the right to slightly modify the post so that it better suits our blog, however, the message will remain the same and you will be informed of any alterations.

*Don’t forget to include a short bio at the end of the article

Submitting your guest post

You can submit your finished article or an idea you’d like to run by us to our email address: whatdoesmammasay@gmail.com

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Once your article has been approved it will be published within a week. You will receive an email when it goes live. 

Thank you very much for your interest in writing for us and we can’t wait to read your wonderful ideas!

What Does Mamma Say

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